I humbly admit that I have not been very diligent about finishing the redecoration of the "vanity area" of the guest bathroom. Yeah, we've been in this house at least two years. Why can't I remember how long? There you have an example of my inexact memory. Anyway, now that my hiatus from work is coming to an end, I wanted to be able to go back to work knowing that the cabinets were in and the wallwork around them finished and perhaps even primed for painting.
I built the simple cabinets out of birch wood. They're basicly open boxes with slots for glass shelves, which I have already had cut to size. You'd think it'd be easy to make a simple box, but it took a long time to get those cabinets right. In the process, I bought a nail gun for my Sears Craftsman compressor, which I scored from my brother Jerry after he bought a better one.
Back to the bathroom. I should be commended for gutting out the old double-sink cabinets, ripping out the old boring floor tile, installing the little blue wall tiles (my first tiling job ever), installing a new sink (which involved my first copper pipe work ever), and installing the little hexagonal floor tiles, which were a real pain around the curved profile of the bathtub. And don't even ask about the bathtub/toilet area...that whole thing needs to be redone too. Although I did put in floor tile there too.
Some recommended viewing: Alone in the Wilderness. Available at "tack and feed" stores near you!
I hear that they carry "Hot Mexican Love Comics" at that joint as well.
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